Official Website for NIH Research Month 2021

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Environmental Health Modelling & Remote Sensing
Wednesday, 08 September 2021,  8:30 -  5:00
Hits : 449

Environmental Health Modelling & Remote Sensing

Date :
 8 Sept 2021
Location : -
Number of participant : 15 Pax 
Medium : Online 

Synopsis :
This one-day interactive workshop is primarily designed towards training the healthcare and environmental professionals, and researchers on environmental health modelling and remote sensing. The training approaches are by lectures and hands-on practical sessions. The first part of this workshop provides participants with the basic concepts of environmental health, and an introduction to time series analysis using the health and environmental models. While the afternoon session provides basic introduction to remote sensing and GIS, and simple mapping using health and environmental data. By the end of the training session, the participants are expected to acquire the analytic skills that will benefit their environmental health programs.