Official Website for NIH Research Month 2021

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Hazard vs Risk. What’s the Difference?
Tuesday, 07 September 2021,  8:00 -  2:00
Hits : 440

Hazard vs Risk. What’s the Difference?

Date : 7 Sept 2021
Location : Bilik Mesyuarat Pintar 2 NIH
Number of participant : 15 Pax 
Medium : Hibrid Webex

Synopsis :
A human health risk assessment is used to estimate the nature and probability of adverse health effects in humans who may have been exposed to chemicals in a contaminated environment. The risk assessment process begins with planning and includes four additional steps:

  1. hazard identification,
  2. hazard characterization,
  3. exposure assessment and
  4. risk characterization.

Human health risk assessments can be used to evaluate past and current exposures to any hazards found in air, soil, water, food, consumer products or other materials. This course will introduce participants to the introduction methodology to human health risk assessment.