Official Website for NIH Research Month 2021

month event

Events Calendar

Research Highlight
From Tuesday, 14 September 2021 -  8:30
To Wednesday, 15 September 2021 -  4:00
Hits : 512

Research Highlight

Date : 14-15 Sept 2021
Location : Level 10 IHSR, NIH
Number of participant : 20 Pax 
Medium : Face to Face 

Synopsis :
The workshop will cover both theory and skill building. Topics include Introduction to the Research Highlight, Components of a Research Highlight and Technique on how to write a research highlight. The workshop aims that at the end of the session, participants will be: i) Acquainted with research highlight ii) Able to understand transition from report to research highlight iii) Able to develop appropriate and effective title and key messages for a research highlight iv)Able to produce a draft of a research highlight
Participants are highly encouraged to bring:
i) Own laptop
ii) Relevant report and data to be used as part of actual development of the research highlight