Official Website for NIH Research Month 2021

month event

Events Calendar

Polish & Publish
From Tuesday, 07 September 2021 -  8:30
To Thursday, 09 September 2021 -  5:00
Hits : 683

Polish & Publish

Date : 7-9 Sept 2021
Location : -
Number of participant : 20 Pax 
Medium : Online Webex

Synopsis :
The Writing for Q Bulletin: Polish & Publish Workshop is an annual event organised by the Centre for Healthcare Quality Research (CHQR) under the Institute for Health Systems Research's (IHSR). This year, in conjunction with the NIH Research Month, CHQR will host a three-day workshop for enthusiastic and spirited healthcare professionals who have a draft manuscript of a completed Quality Assurance/Quality Improvement (QA/QI) project. The draft should be written according to the Q Bulletin journal format which can be assessed through this link :

This workshop aims to assist participants in grasping the process of writing a manuscript for publication for a QA project, polishing the first draft, and submitting the manuscript to our online peer-reviewed journal, Q Bulletin. Participants will have an opportunity to learn how to write a QA/QI manuscript using the Q Bulletin’s authors’ guide. They will also learn on literature search techniques and use of Mendeley as a reference manager, as well as an overview of MyJMS platform for Q Bulletin manuscripts submission. Along with the short lecture series, technical experts will be available to review and provide constructive comments on the manuscripts. We hope that by the end of the workshop, participants will submit a polished draft manuscript to Q Bulletin via the online platform.

Limited seats available, sign-up now! For further information, drop your email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.