Official Website for NIH Research Month 2021

month event

Events Calendar

Action Research Clinic
From Monday, 13 September 2021 -  8:30
To Tuesday, 14 September 2021 -  4:00
Hits : 535

Action Research Clinic

Date : 13-14 Sept 2021
Location : Bilik Mesyuarat Pintar 2 NIH
Number of participant : 30 Pax 
Medium : Hibrid - 10 Face to Face, 20 Online Webex 

Synopsis :
This clinic session is a walk-in/virtual consultation session for any staff with ongoing issues with their current AR projects or for anybody interested in a more private setting to solve issues at the workplace using the AR approach. For this session, it is advised that individuals or teams interested in the consultation to bring their data highlighting the issues to be discussed during the consultation.