Official Website for NIH Research Month 2021

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Complex sampling design analysis
Tuesday, 07 September 2021,  8:30 -  4:30
Hits : 507

Complex sampling analysis

Date : 7 Sept 2021
Location : -
Number of participant : 35 Pax 
Medium : Online Webex

Synopsis :
A complex sample design is any study that uses sampling procedures such as stratification, clustering and/or weighing. This is usually done to improve statistical efficiency, reduce cost or improve precision of subgroup analysis, relative to a simple random sample.

Complex sample designs are not only used extensively in public health and epidemiological studies, but also in various other fields such as social sciences, economic, agriculture and many other scientific fields. This workshop will be a basic introduction on complex sample, starting with how to design a complex sample, the use and effect of stratification and clustering as well as determining the sample size and weighing for selection probability in a complex sample.

The second half of the workshop will cover the basic analysis of complex sample design studies, taking into account the effect of the applied design towards the interpretation and reporting of the results. This is an intermediate level workshop, whereby the participants are required to have understanding of basic sampling and analysis principles. So, who should take this workshop? Any researcher who plans to, is interested or is currently carrying out studies using complex design, would gain insight from this workshop. This workshop is not designed for purely theoretical knowledge, but to equip the participants with basic skills to correctly plan and carry out analysis for complex design studies.